Tag Archives: art
rhettleinsterevans: justboat.Croatia(CampBorik).July 2011

rhettleinsterevans: justboat.Croatia(CampBorik).July 2011
This makes me so happy and so mad all at once. Here’s to you Jan Vormann. wilwheaton: kittydoom: “Di
This makes me so happy and so mad all at once.
Here’s to you Jan Vormann.
“Dispatchwork” series by Jan Vormann
therhumboogie: Tree of Life poster, printed by Degree, this seems to be another of those special ima
Tree of Life poster, printed by Degree, this seems to be another of those special images where it makes you look twice before you realise just how pretty it really is, lithograph is one of my favourite prints.
artssake: shadow art by Kumi Yamashita

artssake: shadow art by Kumi Yamashita
Pretty Pretty
That’s a long-ass frame for a bike
naclaq: dayanatuna: Ice cube painting – freeze watercolors & then paint with the melting ice cub
good: For many the term “embroidery” conjures images of tacky pillows or treacly wall-hangings that
It’s an interesting question. It goes back to my question the other day about artists and speaking the truth.
Artist in his studio
Artist in his studio
Remabrandt, c. 1969, 9.8 by 12.6 inches, MFA Boston
One of my all time favorites. A perfect representation of the intimate art making process.